Friday, 28 September 2012

Alcohol posters

Our year6 alcohol week...

This week we have had Vita Nova (an alcohol awareness charity) working
with us. We have been split into 3 groups- art, drama and creative
writing. This is what the art group have produced...

Phebe's alcohol poem

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Phebe's autobiographical anecdote writing as Roald Dahl...

Gen's autobiographical anecdote writing as Roald Dahl...

Phebe's speech as Nelson Mandela

Gen's speech as Nelson Mandela

Riley's speech as Nelson Mandela

Hannah's speech as Nelson Mandela

Alcohol posters

Alcohol posters

Phebe's alcohol poem

Phebe's alcohol poem

Working as a team

Making alcohol posters

Alcohol poster

Alcohol posters

Daniel's alcohol poster

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Researching the diet and training schedule of Olympic athletes...

Tell me 2 things that you have found out about the training and healthy eating regime of your Olympic athlete. Remember to write only your first name to tell me who you are!

Thursday, 13 September 2012